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The Massachusetts state flag is an embarrassment and ought to be changed.

I was just reading an article in our local paper about ongoing efforts to change school mascots

Newspaper article from the Greenfield Recorder

As described in the article, the next town over from mine went through this process a few years ago, and boy was it depressing to watch. Thankfully, they did end up changing from “Indians” to “the Thunder” in the end, but not without a whole bunch of offensive nonsense from a lot of white people upset about the change. Sorry, old white dudes that graduated in 1984—I am skeptical that you are as interested as you profess to be about honoring Native American heritage.

I continue to be just flat-out flabbergasted that we have not managed to change our state flag. It was one thing when people could blame it on the Charlie Baker administration slow-walking of the whole thing, but what is the excuse now?

Just change the damn thing. There’s no excuse, and in state where basically all branches of government are controlled by Democrats, it is even more embarrassing that we still have this flag.

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