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Site news - October 2005

It seems I have entered into yet another period of sparse posting here at the site. The reasons for this lapse are two:

First, I’m moving. Needless to say, I’ve spending a good deal of time preparing, although probably not as much as I should be. All my books are boxed up, and my apartment is a giant mess. I’ve got another week or so, and frankly, I don’t have that much stuff.

Second, I’ve been doing some major work on my music site. I’ve switched the software that I use to run it, and have been monkeying around with that in what spare time I’ve had this week. While I was a bit suspicious at first, I’ve come to like the new site a lot better, although there are still some things I need to get figured out. In addition, I’m reminded yet again of the dire state of the ID3 tags in the older parts of my collection. Suffice it to say, I was not always as diligent about that sort of thing as I am these days.

Anyway, postings will continue to be light over the next week or two (or maybe three, depending on how the move goes).

I should also point out that moving most likely means that my IP address (and therefore the URL for this site) will be changing. If you have a bookmark, please make sure it points to, and not directly to this site. I will update the re-direct on that page when I’ve got my new IP.

On that note, I’m outta here. More later as I find time…

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