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Forensic Show #23

Next on the list is Bones, which I downloaded largely on account of a couple decent reviews and the fact that I was interested in seeing what Boreanaz did post-Angel/Buffy.

I should be up-front about my near-total lack of interest in the police procedurals that seem to have been all the rage for the last few TV seasons. Sure, I watched my share of Law & Order reruns on A&E, but that was before they churned out the 18 spinoff series. CSI, the few times I’ve tried watching it, is just flat-out stupid.

Given all of that, I guess it should be no surprise that I found Bones to be pretty worthless. The plot was barely worthy of the “whodunit” monicker, the writing is bad, and the cliches are fast and furious. Our brilliant but socially-awkward heroine battles against beauracracy and devious killers with the help of her quirky sidekicks. Problem is, the mysteries aren’t all that interesting and the quirky sidekicks are the same bunch of stereotypes that have littered the edges of TV series for years.

There were bits of snappy dialogue, but all in all, this show just isn’t very good. Of course, that’s no barrier to it becoming a runaway success… (coughCSIcough)

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