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It’s TV time again

None of the shows I have traditionally followed have started back up yet, so more about that later. As for new shows, I’ve caught a couple, so I thought I’d spend the next few entries here on my thoughts.

Supernatural wasn’t half bad, but it remains to be seen if it was half-good. It’s sort of an X-Files for the O.C. set, with two infeasibly photogenic twentysomething brothers chasing ghosts and goblins. The premier had a number of genuinely creepy moments (the opening scene being one of the spookiest things I’ve ever seen on television) and the overal story seems like it might have promise.

The major problem was the writing—is it really asking that much for a show’s producers to give their audience a small amount of credit? One of my pet peeves being expository dialogue, you can imagine my frustrations with characters uttering lines such as, “This is why our father trained us to hunts ghosts after our mother was killed by a supernatural entity” (or some such). The characters involved in this conversation already know all of this backstory, so the only conceivable reason they’re saying it is that the writers couldn’t figure out any better way to communicate it to the audience. Argh, I say—ARGH.

That being said, I’m interested to see where they go with this one, and will probably stick it out for at least a few more episodes.

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