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The Return of the Puzzled Chimp

Well, I, for one, am filled with confidence.

Yes, I can hear it already: “Now is not the time for partisan politics, the focus should be on helping a city devastated by natural forces, blah blah blah…”

The problem is that when the Bush administration and its supporters make these statements, what they actually mean is, “Now is the time for us to use this situation to promote our own political agenda and to discredit the opposition, and anyone who points this out, or suggests that maybe we’re not doing everything we can, or that we didn’t bother to prepare for this situation, or that we’re doing a piss-poor job of reacting to it now is a dirty rotten liar who hates America and freedom, and who probably has sex with dogs.”

Hurricane Katrina is looking to be one of the deadliest natural disasters in this country’s history, and yet the President still couldn’t be bothered to break away from ranchin’ it up down in Crawford until two days after it was over. Now he’s done his half-hour flyover, and I’m supposed to be impressed with his compassion and strenght of character.

For god’s sake—this is the same White House that cut funding for improving New Oreans’ flood and storm defenses from the federal budget in order to finance its misguided Iraq adventure.

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