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The perfect album?

There’s an interesting discussion going on over at about “The Perfect Album.”

Unsurprisingly, the Beatles and Pink Floyd are vastly over-represented, as is classic rock in general (Supertramp? The Alan Parsons Project?!). However, it is, if nothing else, an amusing compilation of lists, and it reminded me of an occasional bar conversation I have about my Desert Island Albums. I can’t claim to be the originator of this idea, but it goes something like this—if you’re stuck on a desert island what are the five albums you’d want to have with you?

My list has remained relatively stable over the last few years:

I have to admit that I’m vaguely disturbed that none of these albums is from this decade, and only one (Seasons in the Abyss) is from the last decade. On the other hand, while there are more recent albums that I like quite a lot (and could imagine making the list), it’s hard to say whether they would stand the test of time.

Comments? Suggestions?

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