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Well, at least it’s not wooden...

Apparently there is a new nickel in circulation. Why was I not informed about this? Instead, I was left to stumble across this horrible coin by happenstance.

I’m not philosophically opposed to new currency. I like the redesigned bills, and I always look forward to doing business with US Postal Service vending machines, because it means I’ll most likely be getting one or more Sacajawea $1 gold coins.

However, this new nickel is just flat-out terrible. The one I saw in person had the buffalo on the back, which, I’ll admit, is kind of cool. However, the offset image of Thomas Jefferson screams “collector plate” to me, and the giant word “Liberty” in script reeks of Bush administration propaganda.

For my money (pun intended), the US Mint should take a cue from Canada. The two dollar coin would be a very handy thing to have, and who can resist a coin called “the Loonie”?

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