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Odds and Ends

After several rather slow days at work, I was rather busy today—several server crises, a meeting that went longer than I was expecting, and culminating in an uncomfortable “stand around and congratulate the boss” party. Those are the worst. I like free cake as much as the next guy, but I always end up hanging around the periphery, and then finding some reason to sneak away.

Earlier in the day, before all of this, I was considering writing about William Safier’s latest bloviations in this morning’s New York Times, but now I see that a bunch of other people beat me to it. My favorite so far is Andrew Sullivan: “I’ve never thought of him as a purely partisan attack-dog.”

Funny, I’ve never thought of Safire as anything other than a purely partisan attack dog….

I’ve been re-reading Beyond Good & Evil by Friedrich Nietzsche over the last couple of days. Interesting stuff. I don’t have a lot I want to say about it just yet, aside from the fact that popular perceptions of Nietzshe (“God is dead,” etc.) has only the vaguest of connections to what he was actually trying to say.

Halloween decorations are beginning to appear in front yards around here, and I’m happy to report that the number of those crappy giant inflatable pumpkins seems to have dropped since last year. There’s still time, though, I suppose.

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