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Two weeks, man… two weeks…

Okay, so it’s actually a bit more than two weeks, but close enough– November 2 is quickly approaching, and goddamn if it hasn’t been a long four years. On the other hand, a lot can change in two weeks.

I remain optimistic about Kerry’s chances of winning. The momentum is on his side, and I still think that come election day, in the privacy of the voting booth, the majority of the undecideds are going to end up voting for him.

In the midst of the debates, I got sucked into, but I’ve given up on trying to figure out the polls. They’re all over the map and frankly, I’m highly suspicious of the polling organizations’ claims that their sampling methods produce statistically representative samples.

However, something else to keep in mind is that the period immediately preceding the election (and immediately following the election, for that matter) is when Karl Rove tends to do his best work. Joshua Green has an excellent article on Rove in the current issue of The Atlantic Monthly that’s worth reading for a preview of what may be to come.

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