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I invoke Sturgeon's Law

Someone posted a thing a few days ago showing all the people on Twitter who thought Neil Armstrong was the lead singer of Green Day. The poster’s comment was something along the lines of how Twitter is filled with idiots.

Well, sure, but the world is filled with idiots. Twitter is just one more place where they show up.

This is like the people complaining about how Twitter’s trending topics are all stupid stuff they don’t care about. So what? Here’s a suggestion: Don’t follow idiots.

If I read every single book that was published, I would be horribly depressed and cynical. The vast majority of nooks published are total crap. I don’t read every book, though—I read books that seem interesting and get generally good reviews.

Twitter is the same way. Follow interesting people who have (mostly) amusing, thoughtful, and challenging things to say. The idiots will still be out there, tweeting away about the Kardashians, but the beauty is that you never have to see any of it unless you specifically go looking for it.

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